2. Discover
Dig deep.
Search high, low, inside and out.
Intent is everything.
But discovering why you want to do something can be tricky. Just like a gaslighting partner can make you believe an ulterior reality to the one that truly exists, identifying what is incentivising you can be difficult.
People are often driven to make choices from a place of desire, mostly wrapped in emotion and often with a hint of misguided goodwill that has been influenced by what society is telling us we should do. You would not be alone in finding it challenging to identify what your true intent is. It can continue to shift depending on how you identify with your values and beliefs. Only your gut and your unease will tell you if you are lying to yourself.
I believe there are two types of intent. The first drives how you show up for yourself and other people. You can choose on a daily basis how you want to feel, whom you want to be, what you want to give and what you want to achieve.
The power in deciding these things before you have your first interaction is undeniable. Not being intentional with your day will have dire consequences. In the absence of clear intention, we become strangely loyal and addicted to meaningless acts of trivia because our brain, by default rewards survival behaviour.
The second application of intent is around 'why' you do are setting your goals and taking steps to implement your vision. For example, I have often asked myself why I am writing this blog. Am I doing it because I truly want to enable people and part my many years of insights? Or do I secretly want significance and accolades? It can be both but there has to be transparency and authenticity both with yourself and others if you want your vision to serve you and other people.
The authenticity is what will attract people to you and make you successful.
So how do we get clear on our own intent? Because it is in identifying this that we are able to truly understand ourselves and why we want that dream. Your intent will impact HOW you get to where you want to go and how good you will feel on that journey.
What is driving you? FFA (Fame, Fortune and Applause) or JPF (Joy, Peace and Freedom)?
Discovering who you are, outlining your mission, exploring and writing down your values and being clear on your why - this is the only way you will really know whether your intent is gaslighting you and will ultimately determine if you will be fulfilled by the goals you are working so hard to attain.